Friday 2 August 2024

New Sessions for 2024

I've been working on my upcoming ChiRunning® Sessions and Classes.  

1. Learn the basics of ChiRunning® at one session. Once you've had time to practice it for a few weeks then ....

2. it's time to 'Add-to your toolkit of technique' in a second session.  Click here for details. 

The evening classes (block of 4 weeks) are back too with 4 consecutive weeks learning the basics Starting Wednesday 11th Sept. 

Click here for 2024 dates and times.  

Any queries you have it's best if you email me on

Please note, if you call me and want me to return your call please leave a brief message and I'll get back to you.   

I hope to have the pleasure of sharing the ChiRunning® technique with you!

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Cork City Marathon 2024

Congratulations to everyone who took part in the CCM was a fabulously clear sky, all be it, very hot day, so well done. Enjoy the buzz of your achievement and in the next week or so look back and see what can you do to make it easier next year, what lessons did you learn from the experience.  

Consider how improving your running technique can help you with future races. 

The ChiRunning workshops that I hold focus on good running technique which will help you avoid typical running injuries as you increase your distance and frequency of running. 

It will also help you to be more efficient with your running so you can run further and for longer.  

These workshops are fun, with lots of exercises and drills to help you really body sense the running technique that will make your running so much easier. 

Click here to go to the Workshop page. 

Monday 19 February 2024

New Workshop

On Saturday May 18th I'll host my first Workshop for Young Adult Girls who want to Begin Running and what better time to learn good running technique!

This workshop will be tailored for the begin runner so you don't need to be a runner but it helps if you can jog 1km.  

The first part of the workshop we'll do body looseners, warm up, practice drills and exercises to really body sense how you should feel in the body while Chi Running.  

The afternoon is practicing going up and down the gears, stopping and starting and we'll do some hill technique but again, stopping and starting. 

The workshops are as fun as you can make it, it's not a slog and you will learn so much which will help you get on the road to running for a fit and healthy future. 

Go to the Workshop Page to Book your Place Now. Click HERE

Sunday 21 January 2024

My first 1/2 day ChiRunning® Workshop 2024 took place yesterday down at the Marina area of Cork city where we had a lots of laughs, plenty of fun and everyone made great progress practicing the running technique and here's just two of the reviews I received from participants....

"Honestly that was the best money I ever invested in myself, I have so much trouble with my knees which is detrimental to my endurance races. I actually can't believe how easy it is to run just by learning these techniques! I had so many 'OMG' moments throughout the day. From posture, what to do with my elbows, my cadence and hill training. 

I have never in my life reached the top of a hill and not gasped for breath! To have done that today without it taking a bit out of me was my jaw dropping moment. Ruth is a great coach and communicates in such a way that you easily absorb all the information coming at you. 

The venue/location was good and I would absolutely recommend.  If anyone wants to make their running lives easier, Ruth is your woman!"   Sent by Wella and my thanks to her as well for taking the selfie of the group 😀

And here's Aideen's experience...

“As someone who has fallen out of love with running after recurring injuries, Ruth’s class and patient, personalised approach has reinvigorated my appetite to get back to it and give it another go. My ‘aha’ moment was the need to ‘cooperate’ with the running forces – be that the road or hills. Running should not be about sore muscles and hard effort, it should feel more free and Chi running technique is the answer. The tips and techniques were disarmingly simple and so effective. I can’t wait to get started. Thanks Ruth!”.    Aideen. 

Many thanks to both Wella and Aideen for taking the time to send me these reviews, I'm delighted and happy that they enjoyed the workshop and learnt lots to help with your running technique. 

Friday 30 October 2020

 Be Seen, Be Safe, Be Well....

It's very important to stay visible when you're out running especially when a lot of running gear is dark clothing.
Make sure and wear High Visibility gear, Reflector bands, Light Vests or head torches to be seen.
Just remember, if you're wearing dark gear you're pretty much invisible.
So be smart, light up!

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Testimonial Majella Walsh

I have recently completed the chi workshop with Ruth which was excellent. I had been, up to this point a non runner, as I had always assumed that to run meant you had to endure pain.  Ruth taught me an approach which is more mindful of the whole approach, the road your body and your mind.  Ruth is extremely patient and very giving in terms of advice especially to the novice runner.  I cant recommend  Ruth or the course enough. I now have a set of skills I can take forward to make running more fun. Loose yourself and start to run! 
Thanks Majella glad I was of help to you and in her email Majella mentioned the following....
....I am happy to say I have just done my first chi run and have taken two minutes off my time per km.  
Super progress to drop 2 minutes off per km in such a short amount of time. Well done!

Monday 30 April 2018

Recent Tesimonial

Hi Ruth
I was extremely impressed with your workshop as I had read the chi running book years ago but never implemented any of the techniques. After attending your workshop I have much more confidence in attempting the chi running techniques.
You explained everything so clearly and comprehensively in so many different ways which assisted greatly in memorizing the various techniques, it's now up to me to practice using them! 
I thought your course was exceptionally good value as you imparted so much information both theoretically and practically. I particularly like the fact that you had allocated so much of the time to practical work as this was most beneficial for me. 
Also it was very interesting to look at the video analysis as this helps again in visualizing my faults and areas that particularly need corrections.
It is evident that you are clearly passionate about the benefits of chi running so the ideal instructor.
I would like to see an intermediate follow up course as i fear I may fall into bad habits and also there is so much more to learn.
Thanks so much and I will be booking in my husband for one if your courses.
E. O'Leary.

Tuesday 5 December 2017


Here's a testimonial from Brid who attended one of my recent workshop....

I began running with the Couch to 5K App this summer and all seem well until the 4k mark when my knees started to play up. A friend recommended Chi Running so I ordered the book but then I felt I needed some personal instruction, so I attended a workshop with Ruth a few weeks ago. It was a very thorough workshop full of precise, clear and incredibly helpful instructions and advice. Ruth is a great teacher, very supportive and generous. I would highly recommend Ruth’s workshop to anyone who wants to enjoy running and liberate themselves from injury holding them back.  Brid Corcoran Cunningham.

Thanks so much Brid and I hope to see you chirunning at Ballincollig Park Run!

Sunday 20 September 2015

Is the way you stand holding you back?

Have you ever thought about the way you stand or checked to see how it may be affecting your running?

Think about it, if your upper body tends to lean backwards (against gravity) it may cause pressure on your lower back day to day, but as a runner it will mean you have to work extra hard as you'll need greater propulsion to move forward on flat terrain. Going up hills will be even harder!

I've worked with many runners who are totally unaware they are leaning backwards, they're convinced they're upright until you show them a photo of themselves and as we know a picture never lies.

So stand the way you normally do beside a mirror (to the side) and check  the way your standing. If you're upper body is leaning back you will need to start teaching it to be upright. Come along to one of the listed chirunning workshops as the first part focuses on getting your alignment, balance and static stance correct. 

So don't let the way your standing hold you back, make it work for your running.