Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Satisfaction Survey key highlights from over 2,500 Chi Runners...

Survey Conducted by Dr. Mark Cucuzzella, in conjunction with WVU

  • 91% said they would recommend ChiRunning to other runners.
  • 95% said their ease of running has improved.
  • 91% feel ChiRunning has played a role in preventing running injuries.
  • 90% said they were probably or definitely able to change their running mechanics with ChiRunning.
  • 61% said they were a heel striker before practicing ChiRunning whereas 71% said they were a mid-foot striker after practicing ChiRunning.
  • 60% said they were able to make noticeable corrections in less than a month, 31% said immediately.
  • 54% had an injury and 88%  with an injury said ChiRunning probably or definitely helped them recover.
  • 45% said their perceived exertion/discomfort before ChiRunning was very hard or hard – then less than 5% said their perceived exertion/discomfort was hard or very hard after practicing ChiRunning.
  • 69% felt their speed improved with ChiRunning.
  • Number of missed running days due to injury dropped dramatically: 40% had missed more than 10 days prior to ChiRunning, after ChiRunning that number dropped to less than 12%. Prior to ChiRunning 31% had no missed days, after ChiRunning 61% had no missed days due to injury.
To go to the ChiLiving website for full details of the survey click here 

Interview with Danny Dreyer founder of the Chi Running Technique

Saturday, 9 July 2011

WE Magazine article on Chi Running

WE Magazine's article includes results of a recent Satisfaction Survey carried out by Chi Living on how the technique has helped them with their running and walking. Danny Dreyer's Chi Running technique has helped thousands of people around the world and can help you too! Click Here.

Click Here to visit the ChiLiving website page with details of the Satisfaction Survey.

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Learn more about Chi Living

Chi Living is the official Chi Running/Walking website of founder Danny Dreyer detailing a whole lot of information on chi running, chi walking, accessories, books, dvds etc. It also has informative articles and some video clips that will help explain the technique. So enjoy browsing!

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Be proactive, prevention is better than cure...

No matter what stage you are at running, begining or advanced, being proactive and researching ways to improve your running technique, is a good way to prevent or minimise injury, rather than waiting until injury occurs, resulting in the need for some form of medical treatment and rest. Unfortunately a lot of people learn the hard way, power running and pushing themselves into injury.

Be proactive and book yourself a place on a One Day Chi Running Workshop which will make your running so much more enjoyable, effortless and save money on medical treatment for injuries.