Tuesday, 27 November 2012

RNLI Reindeer 10K Run at Fota House, Cork.

Torrential rain and cool winds didn't deter participants at this year's RNLI charity Reindeer Run at Fota House, Cobh last Sunday. There was a good turn out despite the weather. Shirley and myself (pictured in the car protecting from the elements before the race) raised €545 for the RNLI from very generous contributors, so thanks to everyone :-)

Friday, 16 November 2012

Demonstrating a Core Strengthening Exercise

At last Saturdays group Practice Meet in Fitzgerald Park I demonstrated to the group how to develop and work the core area with this exercise which we also call the table lean exercise.

The following is also another great exercise to strengthen the lower abs, illustrated by one of my fellow ChiRunning Instructors, David Stretenski

Remember the stronger the core, the better the posture.

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Newbe ChiRunners

Another great ChiRunning workshop with particpants at the end of the day ChiRunning, couldn't be happier :-)