Sunday, 31 March 2013

Don't let your feet touch your nose - ChiRunning Tip

(1) Check in on your Chi Posture.
(2) Check that your chin is tucked down and your looking on your horizon.  
(3) Flash your eyes (only, not the head) to the ground and check for your feet.

If you can see your feet your running upright so you need to make some adjustments as follows: 

Check your lean. Hug the Air exercise to engage the lean, but if you find it hard or challenging then you may need to check your posture, so stop and set yourself up again.

Remember the more you relax the body outside of your column the more you'll enjoy your run!

Friday, 29 March 2013

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Mardyke Venue

New venue for the upcoming ChiRunnig workshops will take place at the Mardyke Pavillion and Track which is adjacent to the Mardyke Arena.  You can access it along the Mardyke Walk where there is free parking on Saturdays.  Go past Fitzgerald Park and upahead on the right you will see a pedestrian entrance to the Mardyke Arena and grounds.

Don't be disappointed, click here and check out upcoming Chi Running workshops.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Popularity of ChiRunning growing!

Popularity of ChiRunning continues to grow with over 400,000 books sold, 50,000 newsletter subscribers and up to 200 Certified Instructors..... so go on and treat yourself to a ChiRunning workshops and learn how to run more energy efficient and injury free.

Click here to check out the upcoming workshops April, May and June.