Friday, 7 February 2025

ChiRunning® Clinics and Classes 2025.

I've been working on my upcoming ChiRunning® Clinics and Classes 2025.  

1. Learn the basics of ChiRunning® at one of my 3 hour clinics. Once you've had time to practice it for a few weeks then ....

2. it's time to 'Add-to your toolkit of technique' in a second 2 hour clinic.  Click here for details. 

Alternatively you can book a place on the afternoon Classes (block of 4 weeks) learning the basics. 

New for 2025 is the opportunity of a Chi Tune-Up for those who have attended a clinic in the past and who want to enhance their practice.

Click here for 2025 dates and times.  

Got a query?   Please Leave me a Message! 

Due to increased scam callers these days, if you call me on my mobile and want me to return your call, please leave a brief message so I know you're a genuine caller and I'll be only too happy to get back to you. 

Otherwise you can send your query to my email: or go to my Instagram or Facebook page and DM me there.

I hope to have the pleasure of sharing the ChiRunning® technique with you!

Cork City Marathon, Half & 10km 2025

Congratulations to everyone who has signed up for CCM 2025.

Maybe you did it last year or maybe this is your first time but either way maybe consider how improving your running technique can help you this year. 

The ChiRunning clinics and classes that I hold here in Cork City, focus on good running technique which will help you avoid typical running injuries as you increase your distance and frequency of running. 

It will also help you to be more efficient with your running so you can run further and for longer.  

These clinics and classes are fun, with lots of exercises and drills to help you really body sense the running technique that will make your running so much easier. 

Hope to catch you at the Cork City Marathon Expo which is on Friday and Saturday!

Click here for more details.