Saturday, 7 May 2011

How important is your diet?

Your diet is crucial. It's so important to be aware of what you eat when you start jogging otherwise you just won't have enough fuel to go for a run. Even if you do finish your run, you may find yourself exhausted all the time and you don't want that. So get to know your diet and start looking at foods that help improve your diet and give you energy.

I'll tell you a quick story of my diet ignorance and what not to do regarding your diet....
Many years ago (in my first year of running) I got up one morning and decided on a whim to run a 1/2 marathon (13.1miles). I hadn't planned my eating schedule the day before or even that morning, I ate two weetabix and off I went. Well what a silly thing to do as I found out around mile 6 or 7 when I hit the famous Wall and I can tell you it's not pleasant and should be avoided at all cost!

Here's a few of the things that have helped me since the wall....

Test foods all the time, during the week and at weekends to see what foods work for you.

Get to like bananas (unripe are better) and they are handy for long runs.

Eggs are great as they're full of protein and keep you going longer.

Carbs are good for bulking up but don't overdo it and if you eat carbs like pasta I think it's better solo or with veg, avoid it with meat.

Bagels are a favourite for many due to the carbs and they go nice with eggs especially in the morning.

Porridge is great if it's the real stuff and add in some banana and strawberries for added flavour and energy.

If you have a sweet tooth avoid the chocolate sweets. I find jelly babies handy and fruit cake with lots of raisins, sultanas, cherries and nuts is also a favourites of mine as the dried fruit lasts longer than a chocolate surge.

I find the lucozade Isotonic drink good but it can be a bit too sweet so what I do is I pour half the isotonic drink into another container and I fill up that half with water to dilute it down and it works for me. Get a runners belt with 4 water holders and have 2 isotonic and 2 water and alternate usage.

Remember to give your body time to digest food before you go out running or you may feel sick.

Never introduce anything new to your diet the day of an event.

Please remember, what works for me may not work for you, so trial and error is the best way.

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