Friday, 26 April 2013

Lean, Gears & Stride - how to run faster more efficiently

Last evening was just perfect for practicing the chirunning lean and the group learnt lots through body sensing as we ran along the railway line practicing going up and down the gears. Good posture is essential for going up the gears and will work the core.  I also snook in a bit of practice on torso rotation which is challenging for most and takes some time to integrate into their running technique.

Next weeks group practice meet will focus on the ankle lift and knee bend. No doubt we'll fit plenty more in but that 's the main focus.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Practice Meet Focus on Posture

Great to catch up this evening with those who participated in the ChiRunning Group Practice Meet in Cork.  Everyone made great progress during the evening which focused on alignment, posture and core.  People who run with a poor posture often complain of lower back pain and overworked quads. During the practice meet we worked on  maintaining a good posture in motion ensuring greater energy flow through the body.   

Next Thursday's focus will be on lean, gears and stride. Looking forward to meeting everyone then.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Upcoming Dublin Workshops

Don't miss out on my upcoming Dublin ChiRunning Workshops this Summer, places limited.
Click here for details.
Enquiries to or call me.

Friday, 12 April 2013

Series of free group ChiRunning Practice Meets

Over the next two months as people build up their training for the Cork City Marathon and other summer racing events around the country I'm holding a series of free weekly meets to help people accelerate their ChiRunning technique in place of the monthly meets. 
Thursday Evening Series
Dates: 18th, 25th April & 02, 9th, 16th, 23rd & 30th May

Meet 5.30pm until 6.30pm
Meet at Páirc Uí Chaoimh and we'll practice in the vicinity

Please book your place at:
(include your mobile in the email please)

Please note these sessions are open to those who have participated in the full day ChiRunning Workshop and will go ahead subject to a minimum number of participants.
To learn more details on the above free group practice meet series click here.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Interactive Demonstrations at Cork City Marathon Expo

Effortless Running will be holding two participative Demonstration and Tips Sessions at the Cork City Marathon Expo on Saturday 1st & Sunday 2nd June (registration days) from 2pm – 3.30pm at City Hall.

ChiRunning® is the world’s leader in safe, energy efficient, and natural running technique, reducing injury, improving personal performance and allowing you to run for a lifetime! Using principles from Tai Chi, ChiRunning® teaches you to run using your highly efficient core muscles, while relaxing the rest of your body and allowing the natural force of gravity to do the work instead of your legs. Practiced by thousands of runners, the ChiRunning® technique is easy to learn and benefits the beginner as well as the seasoned or competitive runner.

These free sessions will incorporate some drills and exercises to help with your alignment, balance and posture, arm swing and relaxation and are open to participants of the Cork City Marathon however, numbers are limited (first come basis) so registering for participation is essential. For those attending please wear suitable exercise clothes and regular pair of runners for participation.

So don't miss out on this great opportunity to get some last minute advice on technique and tips to help make your race day more enjoyable and effortless. Book your place now and email on