Thursday, 18 July 2013

10 Good Reasons to get Walking or Running

Here's my top 10 Good Reasons to get up off the couch and get out there Walking or Running...

1. When you exercise you release endorphins which make you feel happy.
2. It's therapeutic as it helps clear the mind and de-stress.
3. It stimulates many organs like your gut (improves your daily constitution), sinuses (clears them out), heart (keeps it pumping strong) etc...... keeping them all working better!
4. For many females it reduces menstrual cramps and the number of days...can't argue with that.
5. Lose weight, tone up and improves self confidence.
6. Increases energy.
7. Helps you stay looking younger.
8. Promotes better sleeping.
9. Makes you feel part of a community as you interact with people when your out.
10. Expels toxins through sweat and promotes stronger bones and joints., what are you waiting for?

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